SUNNY SIDE UP Inc. (SSU) has updated the current status of “OMOTENASHI NIPPON Project”, a key business of our group’s medium- to long-term management plan “Road to 2020 and beyond”.
“OMOTENASHI NIPPON Project” is a “brand development/publication project” functioning as a business platform, helping publication of and logistics for corporates/associations offering omotenashi (hospitality) and relevant products/services. This project also searches products, services, corporates and talents stemming from the omotenashi mind, which Japan is universally proud of, and promotes them worldwide to have “OMOTENASHI” recognized as a global brand.
●OMOTENASHI Selection 2014
The executive committee held the first award “OMOTENASHI Selection 2014” on February 5, 2015, selecting 47 products/services arising from the mind of OMOTEASHI.
This award enticed 40 mass media, including popular TV programs, business newspapers, and news websites, to broadcast the profile of “OMOTENASHI NIPPON Project”, enhancing anticipation of this project full of new approach.
・OMOTENASHI NIPPON” official website
・OMOTENASHI Selection official website
・Report of OMOTENASHI Selection 2014